Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Sex & Reproduction in Space with Alexander Layendecker
Sex & Reproduction in Space with Alexander Layendecker, Founder Astro-Sexological Institute
Hey Spacers!
Listen in to this interview & conversation with host, Rick Tumlinson and guest, Alexander Layendecker, Director, Astrosexological Research Institute.
Dr. Alexander Layendecker is a graduate of the United States Air Force Academy and served seven years as an Air Force space operations officer. During his time on active duty he served as a space launch range control officer and instructor, a space tactics officer for the USAF Aggressors, and completed a tour of duty in Afghanistan. He later transferred to the USAF Reserve to serve as an HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter pilot for Combat Search and Rescue. He completed a Masters of Public Health from the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in 2013, and a PhD in Human Sexuality in early 2016. Dr. Layendecker’s research focused on human sexuality and reproduction in off-Earth environments, the history of research in this area, and the research gaps that must be filled in the future in order to make long-term settlement of other worlds a viable possibility. He is the founder and Director of the Astrosexological Research Institute, a Cape Canaveral-based 501c3 non-profit dedicated to the comprehensive study of human sexuality and reproduction factors in outer space.
For more about Dr. Alexander Layendecker blast over to:
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