Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Space Revolution Politics and Policies with Aaron Oesterle, Policy Director, Space Frontier Foundation
Space Revolution Politics and Policies with Aaron Oesterle, Policy Director, Space Frontier Foundation
Hey Spacers!
Listen in to this interview, conversation with host, Rick Tumlinson, and Aaron Oesterle.
In this show Rick and his guest, U.S. space policy expert Aaron Oesterle talk about space "Policy" based on their experiences in Washington D.C.. Mr Oesterle, known in the space field as a behind the scenes policy "doer," shared his thoughts on work to establish space solar power as a viable solution to climate change, orbital debris issues, the trashing of the International space Station and how a top level national U.S. policy pushing NASA and the USG to support the development of human communities in space might be a game changer. While topical, the program looks at each of these issues through the lens of what space policy is, how it gets done, how it can go wrong and how it can help create change.
Find Aaron Oesterle on LinkedIn
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